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Fabulous Fifties...

I realize that this mornings post is in a different direction than the others have been, but occasionally I will share random thoughts...mostly because I like to talk!  Chatty Cathy here!  I have a husband who will listen and let me ramble but...sometimes he gets this funny glazed look and I know I'm really talking to myself.

Anyway, to the fifties.

I was born in that era and I'm now at that age. (Well...let's say I'm in between 50 and 60) ( and on the lesser end)!!!!
What I'm trying to say is...WOW!  It's really a great age to be. 

I Love It!!  


You almost, at this point, begin to have the same attitude at fifty that you had has a teenager!! 
You've decided you can ( within reason), wear what you want, (clothes, hair, make-up...or, colors), do what you want, go where you want and in general just be happy because....
you WANT  TOO!!!  

If you're lucky, you've learned that what others do, say, wear, eat, have, doesn't have to be the stick by which you measure your life and /or achievements.
I once asked my Grandmother if a certain color (don't remember which one) would go with something green..I was a teenager at this time...she told me that all flowers have green stems!  It's funny, how that out of all we discussed from time to time, I've never forgotten that moment.

If you are headed towards the number fifty...don't despair...