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" Life is short so go on and live it "

If you listen to country music you've heard the above mentioned line and countless others like it.  After Dad died, I didn't think I'd ever care to post on this site again.  So many things in our lives changed and took a back seat.  But, life does go on.  You do find yourself laughing over a silly, reading a good book, designing a new bag, planning trips and so on.

Even though the ground hog says it aint looks like spring in our part of the world.

Being Saturday, and beautiful, Hubby Honey offered to take me on a trip.  Whoo hooo!  I do love a trip now and again.  I quickly packed the things I thought were essential. 

Cookies, water, tangerines and nuts!  Oh! And the camera! 

Away we go!

And here's what we saw...

We had a lovely time!

Did we travel in style? 
Of course!

Thank you Hubby Honey for helping me to remember that...

Life goes on!