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Is 75 the new 50?

As a lot of you know, my Dad died two years ago this past Thanksgiving. He and Mom lived on a small farm west of town.  That place was his pride and joy and he loved being outside, working on the fence, messing with the cows, raising a garden. Doing any of those "honey do" things Mom had lined out. After Dad died, Mom told us girls..." My life will be different now, but I will have a happy life."

My Mother has always been a hard worker. The women in her family just do that. If it needs to be done....figure out a way and get it done.

Because I have a job that allows me to be at home most of the time, I am privileged to be able to help her now and then. And so, when she decided that "we" (she and me) were going to take down and replace the fence that runs along the front pasture, I just said, "yes mam". 

The first day we worked it was still Christmas break and so my sister, Lisa, came over to help and also provided a terrific lunch. (We ate like ranch hands too). That first day we took down and replaced 160' of fence! Whew!

Work day number two was me and Mom. We worked our way across the creek and got one panel up on the "other side".
Mom on her tractor

Mom, taking down old fence!
We finally made it to the other side of the creek

Fencing across the creek
Tiny bloom despite the fact it's January and cold
Proper foot wear   
Mom turned 75 December 5,2013. Think you need to plan on slowing as you age. Ha....if you don't use it you lose it! My Mom is living proof that this statement is so true!

When I asked her if she thought we were putting it up right, her reply was..."doesn't matter, we'll just do it our way! And we did. 

Because Monday is a holiday and all the gang is off work, we will gather and get it finished in time for her spring calves to be delivered!
(hope they don't push on our fence too hard!)