On our farm, we grow chicken for McNuggets!
The past few days have been busy ones preparing for the arrival of approximately 43,000 babies...give or take one or two. Today we got a new batch.
Half arrived at 9:00am and the rest are coming at 3:30pm! Don't know why and don't like it. It really messes with your day and makes it difficult to get anything else done. But, that's life on a farm. When most people hear the word farm, they think crops.
Our crop, is chickens. These cute, fluffy babies will stay with us for eight weeks and then will be picked up and processed into nuggets for McDonald's! Sounds easy! But, you have so many variables that go into growing a chicken that's just right and will hopefully make you money. Just like with growing crops, you are at the mercy of things beyond your control. How much feed, light, warmth and water? You do your best, hope for the best and pray that this will be the batch that turns out "just right"! If getting rich is what you want then my advice to you would be ..." stay away from farming"! However, if you would enjoy being your own boss, setting your own hours (to a certain extent), and talking (most days) only to yourself, then I say...buy a piece of land and go for it!
Just like Cinderella, I'm the proud owner of a special pair of shoes (ok, boots) to help me, help my man!
My coach is high tech, it not only gets me the three miles to where our houses are but it's also great for hauling rocks, dirt and anything else a savvy farm tech might need. My farmer man will be upset when he sees that this picture was taken, and posted of, a dirty Kubota...I say," it's a truck!" Farm trucks are supposed to be dirty! Proof of use!
I got the title of "farm tech" thrust upon me back in August when I lost a job that I loved and thought I would have forever. I now can truly say " thank you!" to the change that's taken place in my life. I know that so many people across this country are losing jobs and are worried about what will come next. I wish that everyone could have the opportunity that I was blessed with, to take a very painful hurt and make into days that are so full of wonderful that you wish they would slow down!
Continue to join me on my journey...I see Eagles!
I hope you do too!
P.S. Go to McDonald's! Eat McNuggets!