It's in the Bag!!
What do you do with an old pair of jeans, a sofa pillow, leftover scraps of an old shirt, hardware from an old purse and pieces of a belt you found at the thrift store?
You make...
your sister in law!
My husband's brother has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Their life has been put on an altered course and so I wanted to make her something fun and useful. The jeans were old ones of her hubbies and the pillow one she no longer wanted! Filled it with magazines and things that she might find useful as they begin trips to the doctor.
She loved it ...smiled upon opening...and that was the point of the process!
Cover up!
This post is proving to be interesting! I've typed and deleted the first line five times!! That means I need to either push the delete button...get off the computer...or just spit it out! Don't understand the hold up. I just wanted to share with you these really cute pillow covers that I've made for one of my sister's!
This would be sister number two...wait...there are four of us girls...(yes! I'm the oldest) would the sister next to me be sister number one or number two! (guess it depends on who's doing the telling) Hum! Doesn't matter...anyway, this sister is one of two that chose a teaching career a little later in life. ( I said...a little later...let's see...she's two years younger than me and I'm...) She reads this so I think I'd better just move on!
With both children gone from the nest, they decided to convert their son's room over to a home office for her. But, wanting to let the son remain always welcome, she needed to put a bed in the room. So, in comes a futon!
As futons go...her's is really nice! Just a lot of
with pieces of this and that...
Don't like it?
Cover it up!
Yipee!! I did it....
Oh wow!
It's been a year! One whole entire year.
I know that every person on the face of this great earth has moments that they look back on and think...
I did...
this changed... me, my situation, my thoughts, my life!
can you believe...
I hate that happened...
I'm so glad that happened...
I survived...
well...for me all of the above with this past year.
If you've read any other parts of this blog then you know that I used to work outside our home and now no longer do! The job I had was one I loved more than any other ever before it and had hoped it would be a part of my life for many years. didn't turn out that way. The pain of that loss was great and it has taken a long process to get over and to go beyond.
and now...I say to those responsible for that change...
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! ( I mean that sincerely...I truly was done a favor and it just took some time to realize it)!
I now am the official "farm tech" of our operation and love every minute. ( well...maybe not every single minute...the gross stuff I could do without) clocks, no boss(except for Hubby Honey), no two days ever the same, no boredom and I could go on. do you celebrate...
You splurge on a new pair of "magic shoes" and you get out there and take a really long walk...almost two miles today...yipee...and you get healthy and stay healthy so that you can enjoy this..
Here's to you and to me and to choosing that glass to be "half full"!
Ten and Time!
Wow...just had a new idea to pop into my head and am so frustrated... can't seem to slow down the new ideas fast enough to get the "old" ones done!
Hum.....not a bad problem to have I guess....
what would really be bad is to have no ideas at all!
Wanted to share an easy and cheap re-do with you!
Wanted to make the freezer match the frig so...
for $10 in paint I now have a really pretty black freezer that looks brand new!
Problem sewing room is now much cooler...
Oops...the kitchen is now warmer!
Oh well...can't win 'em all!
Bugs...Bugs...and more Bugs!
I hate bugs! Have never...will never, ever, EVER like bugs!
Here we have a perfect example!
June bugs...
They come out in July!
All over my fig bush...all over my figs...not one or two, not three or four...hundreds...yes...hundreds! They choose a nice ripe, sweet, perfect fig and EAT IT! UP!
Now...if you are of the frame of mind as my Hubby Honey, then you're saying..." just go ahead and pick the figs... they won't hurt you"! You don't understand! When you reach up to pick a fig that's not "June Bug covered" a gazillion fly out of the bush and it's like that old movie "the Fly" or something!
I can't do it! Yes...I can work all day on the farm in a chicken house that contains 14,000 large chickens... sometimes they sneak up behind you and peck at your leg...that I can handle...go figure...but I hate bugs. They are just CREEPY, CRAWLY and GROSS!
Needless to say...when we have June bugs...I don't eat figs! I have to stand by and watch those awful bugs have a feast at my expense!
Another bug I HATE! That sneaky, silent, BUG!
That's why I've had no new post for caught a bug and went...down, down, down!
So...had to pay to get the bug SQUASHED! Then had to have hours of phone "conversing" with my "techie BFF" and even hitched a ride to her house...5 hrs one way...was gone for only 36 you see that not much time was left for anything but working out "bugs..."!
Did I tell you? I hate bugs!
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