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Shopping Trip!

Recently I had the opportunity to go on a really great shopping trip!

You know the dress up, gather up, and head out in search of that one and only, that special little something that only you will have. You're excited, you have your friends with you, money in your pocket, the weather is just right and away you go!

Travel distance for our trip was .03 miles from my house.  Attire required was long pants (old ones)  boots, (unless you're from TN and you are that case you wear flip flops) gloves and a cap.  Instead of money, we took along a pry bar, screw drivers, pliers and a large hammer! And...we had buckets of excitement!  We had been given permission to go through two abandoned houses that my neighbor owns and we were allowed to take anything we wanted. 


 All I can say just had to be there!

When you have friends like I just can't get much better!!!

Dillard's...who needs it?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some really neat "stuff". Are those cabinets? The living room looks awesome. Thanks so much for helping me paint. Can't wait to see what we accomplish on Tuesday. Tra
